Sunday, December 4, 2011

How does paying tips by credit card work?

I ate at a restaurant and paid by credit card. I got the receipt and wrote the tip and total down and signed it. But since the card was already swiped, how does the tip get paid? Also, how does the waiter get the tip in this case? Does he just get money from the cash register?|||Ok. Say for example your waiters name is Andrew. Your order is underneath his name. All waiters have their own number. So when you pay using a credit card and add the tip, at the end of the waiters shift, Andrew runs his report and all the tips he made all day through credit cards get totaled up and he gets it in cash by the manager from the register.|||They can rerun the charge if you've added a tip but usually you write the tip after they present the bill and THEN they process the payment.

Waiters get paid sometimes like the other poster said, but sometimes they won't get credit tips until the next day, end of shift or even end of pay period. different places do it different. Also because they are recorded tips, they may have to go through payroll differently because they impact taxes. Again it depends on the venue.

Also, if you really love a waiter/bartender, give them cash. Many places do tip splits so people like dishwashers and cooks get a cut (which is ridiculous) but the end result is the $20 you left for the waiter gets split up and he's lucky to get half.|||When the waiter swipes the card, that transaction is saved under a number. So after the waiter finds out how much tip he got, he would input that number on the machine and then proceed to input how much the tip was. So the credit card machine sends the total to the credit card companies twice: the first time is the initial swipe and the second time is at the end of the night with all the tip information. the restaurant gives the waiter the credit card tips.

and fyi, you should always double check that the total of your bill matches right, because waiters could put how much tip they want. it would be your call then to contest it. if you don't take the receipt or your customer copy, waiters have a tendency to increase the credit card tips because you will have no proof of how much you actually paid; and this is more true when you pay drunk.|||Kage knows what he is talking about, that is the way credit card tips work. I used to bar tend and some of my customers tipped me on their bill at the end of the night.

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