Saturday, December 17, 2011

Any way to talk a credit card company into giving you a card?

I am wondering if there is any way to talk a credit card company into giving you a card or being able to transfer your balance to them...? I have a Capital One card now (big mistake) and a child on the way and Capital One is messing around big time with me so I'm never coming out ahead after my payments. I want to open another credit card with a different company but I keep getting turned down. Is there a good way to talk to someone about getting one?|||If you "keep" getting turned down, that means that you kept applying, so it is probably too late now. Every application hurts your credit score, and your chances of any subsequent application being approved. Stop applying immediately, and wait more than a year before you apply again. When you "keep" applying, you keep get rejected. That is how it works. To be approved even once, you should apply much less.|||well where does your credit score stand at right now? that has allot to do with it also have you talked with cor pt and see if they can help you out with your mess, remember every time your ask for a card its a hit on your credit report and score too many dings is not a good thing and good luck and the next at least 18 yrs plan your child|||what exactly is the definition of "messing around big time with you"? What makes you think another lender will be any different?|||Capital One is one of thee best there is.. so that cant be really whats going on....|||There is no way to "talk" a credit card company into giving you a card. You apply and they review your credit. If you are being turned down, that means your credit isn't good enough. Even if you could qualify for another card, shifting the debt to another credit card isn't the answer.

I suspect you have run up the balance on that Capital One card and are only making minimum or slightly more payments. That's a formula to get you rated as a higher risk. You need to stop charging on that card and work on making larger payments to pay off that balance.

Maybe you should check with a NFCC credit counseling service: These are legit, non-profit companies that offer debt management programs for a nominal fee. They negotiate lower interest and payments so you can pay off all your credit card debt. When you complete the program, you will have decent credit.|||bah hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha鈥?br>

cry all you want, these banks are not like your momma and wont give you a card just because you cried to them.

Get on it buddy if your getting declined its because your credit score is not good enough. Why dont you work on fixing that problem so in two years you would be able to get any card you want with your marvelous credit score

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