Sunday, December 4, 2011

What is the average minimum credit score for credit card?

I keep trying to get one of those alienware destop computers. They have an alienware credit card of 5'000. I cant seem to get my score high enough to qualify. What would be the average score required for cards like those?|||They usually start at 650 however some cards start at 700 but you can have a key word like collections on your report that will automatically reject the application. Most company鈥檚 set keyword rejecters in their screening I think its because they just have so many customers they don鈥檛 feel they need to take the risk they leave that up to other credit card company鈥檚 like first premier or something! Hell most are done automatically by computers and rejection keywords %26amp; of course the score is all they use a human never touches it...LOL Good Luck....|||I had my score at 645 when i got my 5 grand credit card. but thats because it was with my bank. and i have been with them for a while. do not get too many department store credit cards. looks bad

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