If someone uses your credit card from the other side of the world, how do you make them pay ?
If they used it on ebay, is there some way to track them down ?|||Your card company should cancel the card and reimburse you for your losses. You might have to jump down their throats to get them to do it but DON'T take no for an answer. They'll pay.
As for catching the thief, forget about it. Law enforcement in America won't even help you catch a cc thief in the states, let alone one that resides in another country. It sucks. That's just the way it is.
Also, notify eBay. Tell them what card was used and they'll be able to link it to the thief. At least they can boot him from the site.
Good luck.|||Pay the bill, your out of luck!!!!!!!! or just call your credit card company and report your credit card been stolen.|||have your bank take care of it _ a frind of mine had this happen , she was told not to contact the thieves or they might be able to calim she said it was o.k. to use her card - your bank should not hold you accountable for any charges as soon as you report the theft to them|||credit dards have passwords and where ever u use it the centre is informed.it's enough the theif uses it once and then his location will be revealed.
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