Monday, December 12, 2011

Does filing for the soldiers and sailors act on a credit card allow banks to remove info from the 3 Creditors?

My bank informed me that due to my credit card being under the Soldiers and Sailors Act, They no longer listed the credit card on my credit report. Now, my credit report shows that I have no major credit card. Which drops my score alot. Is this correct and why not show the card info on the credit report if it hurts our (Soldiers and Sailors) credit reports?|||There is nothing saying they must remove your card from your credit score. All the Act states is that they cannot put anything negative on your credit while you are deployed. (However, they must be notified prior to deployment.) They are not required to remove anything positive from the credit report--however they can take your cards completely off of your credit if they choose to do so. (In all my husband's 27 years in the service, he has never heard of this happening.)

If you did not notify them prior to leaving, they may have put negative info. on your cards. When you returned and showed proof of your deployment, they may have just removed all of the information it in it's entirety.

You can call the credit card company and (if your information is positive) ask them to place it back on your credit report. However, if you have these cards and have not used them, they will not help your score. If you have these cards and have not used them, they will not help you build credit.


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