Saturday, December 17, 2011

Can credit card companies charge annual membership fee on a closed account?

I have a closed credit card account with Chase Bank. It still has a balance that I am working to pay down. However, I just noticed my balance jumped due to a $29 annual membership fee. Can they charge a membership fee on a closed account?|||The account is not closed if you still have a balance. They may have turned off the ability to make new purchases but you are still using the account and thus responsible for the fee as long as you are borrowing money from them by carrying a balance.|||The account is really closed till you pay the balance in full. You might try calling and objecting to the annual fee on your "closed" account but don't be surprised if they refuse to remove it. Somewhere in your contract fine print, they can continue to charge that annual fee as long as you still have a balance.|||Because you still owe on the account it is open you just can't use it. Yes they will charge that annual fee as long as you owe on that account.

You can call them up and ask the to wave that fee.

Pay it off quickly.|||No, but the account is not "closed" unless there is a zero balance. It is only closed for new transactions which is not really closed.


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