Thursday, December 15, 2011

What does it mean when a credit card company can't retrieve my credit report?

I applied for a credit card a while back, and I was declined. This was rather surprising to me, because I've got good credit. Anyway, I got an email from the cc company today stating the reason for my rejection:

" The amount of your purchase required a credit bureau report. We were unable to retrieve a report from a consumer reporting agency."

Now, what? I retrieved my credit score just the other day and it was in the low 700s--so I know that I've *got* a credit score. I applied and got approved for a different credit card just a few weeks before I applied for this one, however--could that have been what went wrong? In any case, should I be worried that they couldn't retrieve my credit report? That just seems awfully strange, and I'm not sure if I need to talk to someone at a credit bureau, or something. . .any help/advice would be greatly appreciated! Thanks.|||relax you may have made an error on the application. Fill out another one and send it in again. I had one who put the wrong SS# on it, Well guess what, no credit report could be obtained. Yet they had great credit.|||This happens when somebody enters the wrong social security number.|||Ask what report they based their decision on and order a free copy of it because you were declined for credit.|||did you put a credit freeze on any one of the 3 credit reporting bureaus?

if so then that's why they could not pull a report. you have to unfreeze it

also don't assume becuase you paid one of the 3 for your fico score that it IS your fico score, you be sorry and dissaponted to learn that the fico score is higher than what the creditors will rate it at, much higher, so don't assume you actually know your score, when and if you ever apply for a house loan there is where the true number comes in, and you genrally a get a 20 to 30 point spread between agencies ( to the bank )|||Write to the first company offering to provide a copy of your report and asking why they could not find it. It puts the ball in their court and they have to reply to that.|||You probably gave them a wrong social security number.

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