Saturday, December 17, 2011

How much will a 90 day past due credit card payment hurt your credit?

I was once over 90 days late on a credit card payment, about a year ago. Other than that I had a perfect credit score, it was in the high 700's. How much did this hurt my credit score in general? About how many points does it pull you down to be 90 days late? I pay all my bills in full and on time now.|||Like the other answerers' said, I would say anywhere between 50 and 100 points (hopefully no more than 100). Be careful next time.|||OUCH%26lt; that's gonna hurt. Hard to say the exact score drop as each CRA has slightly different information on your file and it would also depend on other factors, your debt utilization and number of accounts.

I do know that it will remain on your credit report seven years from the month in which the late payment was due. If there are multiple late payments in one account item, then they will each expire individually.

BUT, not all is bad news, it will have less affect as time goes by and as long as you keep your payments up to date and on time. Remember a credit score is a "snap shot" of your history at that particular time and it varies with time.鈥?/a>

Hope this helps answer your question.|||This is like asking what does a new house cost. Well it depends. Credit ratings are based on many factors such as age, debt to credit ratio. Credit issues for a 17 year old person are not going to change at the same rate as they do for someone 55. No one can give you an answer other than the fact it will lower your rating. Being 90 days late doesnt mean that the creditor will report it as 90 days. Some allow a 30 grace period which may mean your account shows up as 60 days.|||It is going to hurt in a lot at least 50 points. You can go to this website and click on UltraScore and they can help you get your score back up.|||a HUGE amount, 50-100 points

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