Saturday, December 17, 2011

What are the consequences of not paying off credit card debt?

My family and I had an unplaned birth, and our now overwhelmed with medical expenses and the new expenses from the child. Since we did not have health insurance we became overwhelmed with bills. Over the last couple of years we have fallen progressively farther behind on our credit card bills. We have not made a payment on some of the cards in over nine month. Utlimately, besides lowering our credit score, is the consequences of not paying the cards. Can the creditors take our vehicles? Take money from our bank accounts? Garrnish our wages? We are very worried about our debt and would like to pay the debt off, yet feel very intimidated by the whole process. Thanks for any help|||Since it's been several months since you have paid your credit cards I am going to assume that they have been written off and sold to collection companies.

What they can do is take you to court and get a judgment against you and your husband, at that point they can garnish wages (if your State allows it), attach bank accounts and file liens on any other property you may own.

If your cars are paid for they can be seized and sold to pay your debt. If you still owe money on them they can file liens to make sure that if you sell them they will be paid out of the proceeds of the sale.

All this on top or ruining your credit for 7-years.|||They can do all that and more; if you have a money source you can tap like 401k , home equity, or money from a relative, you might consider debt settlement as an answer; why not pay them 50 cents on the dollar vs. the whole amount?|||yes they can.they also black listing(all bank in your country) you and your family.i think try to ask minimal payment you can pay.check for over due%26amp;new bills,find finance%26amp;law counsltant

i hope everything will be ok.|||Well theirs always consequences for not paying. That happen to me. The only company that I had problems and that I was afraid that they where gointo garnish my check was Nix Check Cashing. they where berry aggressive over the phone. Your gointo get a lot of bill collector calls. 24/7. Well I think that if your not paying your car note you can get your car repo. But probably the most your gointo get with credit cards are alot of phone calls and letters from bill collectors. They can be a paying in the ***. I know is not the best way. but I dint have nothing to loose. I don't recommend it but I when bankrupt. Good luck to you.|||i would consider banckruptcy

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