Saturday, December 17, 2011

Do Credit Card Companies legally have the right to keep my personal information?

I recently paid off ALL of my CREDIT CARD DEBT. Was over $40k just a few years ago. . . So I called to cancel my credit cards and close my accounts. I also asked them to remove my name from their databases. They said they have to keep my personal info for tax purposes? I want my name out of their SERVERS! Help!|||Unfortunately, that won't happen. Banking rules and the Patriot Act require keeping that information for at least 10 years.|||I think they have the write to keep your information. Since you had a credit card with them then they can keep your info but not hand it out. Also if its for tax purposes they have to keep your info for that reason and then i assume they will delete it after they do their taxes|||Beat them up.|||Sorry, it does not work that way. Businesses don't delete their customer information the moment the customer stops dealing with them.|||The information will legally remain in their data base and in the data bases of the credit reporting agencies for at least 7 years.|||yes they have right to it. is for security issues stolen credit card and other stuff.|||If you tell the companies to keep you info confidential, they will.|||Sure. After all, you gave it to them

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