Monday, December 12, 2011

What was your worst Credit Card experience?

I never spend money on unnecessary things. I only use debit cards, I only had my first and last credit card ever. I was given a credit card with 1,000 dollar credit for college students. Two years ago I had an emergency, I had to get money from wherever I could, so I withdrew the 1,000 dollars; I was left with no money, no way of putting money back for two months, only after 2 months I was able to put some money back to my credit card only to find out the interests and fees jacked up my debt to 2,000 dollars in only 2 months!!!!!!!!! I was just college kid with a credit card, that was abuse. I'm never going to use a credit card again. I've started my own savings fund so I can be prepared in case of another emergency.|||worst experiences

1) When I was in Turkey, ended up inadvertently in shady place and was forced to give credit card. and god saved me, my creadit limit left was only US$200; which was however instantly withdrawn by the user.

2) Again in Holland, my briefcase was stolen and credit card was lost. The user immidiately mad international phone calls. I got reimbursement as I had lodged comlaint to bank as well as Police immidiately

3) WHile I was out on tour my Credit card company charged annual charge and because I did not know this. They kept on adding interest, penaulty, services charges and I ended up paying 10 times the original bill.

I now have no credit card anymore as against 5 earlier and returned all my cards.|||i don't have one. so i don't noe.. thank g*d. i would have bad credit the fist day... lol|||sorry. i worked for citibank (the worst company to work for). The credit business is hairy but looking at it from the banks standpoint it is understandable. With all credit cards there are one time courtesy's where they will adjust your rate back down once. If you default (pay late, go over credit line, or even default on any other loan you have out there) your rate can skyrocket with all of your cards not just the one you have with that company. The reasoning behind this is that the bank sees your credit history and if they see you default with one card they think what is to stop you from defaulting from them and it has a dominoe effect on all of your credit. Ideas?? Get a secured card where you put an amount in it and only use that much. Or use your bank card that has a visa or mastercard logo. Going without a credit card these days is very difficult. I just moved from Massachusetts to Ohio and one of my hotels couldnt take my cash they needed a credit card. I didn't have my bankcard because i had closed that account before the move. its hard but always try for the first time courtesy!|||Fortunately for me, I've never had a bad experience with credit cards. Quite the opposite - I get cashback and rewards from them. I pay on time in full, so no problems with fees. Once I had a card which started charging me a 1% account maintenance fee, but I gave them a call and they fixed it %26amp; reimbursed me.

I hope I don't encounter any problems in the future as well.

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