Sunday, December 4, 2011

What happens to credit card debt that is over 7 years old?

For example, if there is a credit card that went into collections 7 years ago but the account has been sold to multiple collection agencies over the years, do all of the items listed on the credit report for that credit card get deleted?|||Yes, I think all of them should be off your credit report by this time.|||I am in the process of buying a home and I have learned a lot about credit issues. If you have a credit card and haven't made any payments on for while, it will be on your credit report for seven and a half years. When that time runs out the credit reporting agency must remove it from your credit report. If you have an item on your credit report for lets say five years and you get an offer to pay just 1/3 of the bill and you do it can stay on your credit report for another seven and a half years, as a paid collection. The other problem is lets say a collection agency is unsuccessful in getting a debt paid, they will sell it to another collection agency and they in turn report it to all three credit agencies as a new collection, which is illegal. One more tip my husband had a unpaid loan and the bank was unsuccessful in it's collection attempt so they took it as a loss (charge off) which then the IRS came after him because it was then considered income so he had to pay taxes on the outstanding balance at the same rate as income tax.|||Derogatory items age off your credit report 7-1/2 years from the date of first deficiency (default). So yes, the original charge off and any subsequent collection agency entries will all age off. The debt being sold and resold does not restart the reporting period.|||They should age off in 7.5 years from the date of default. If they are still showing after that you can write and dispute the items to have them removed.

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