Thursday, December 8, 2011

How do you get a credit card to build credit, when you have to have credit to get a credit card?

I need to build my credit so i was going to get a credit card but in order to get a credit card you need credit so how can i get a credit card to buld my credit because i have no credit at all|||Well, first try to get a small cash loan and then get a secured crdit card after 8-12 months you should be okay to get a small balance credit card!

Good Luck!|||Try going to they have a variety of credit cards to choose from that is how I got credit, they only started me out with 200 limit but with on time payments my limit increased and so did my credit score......this is sooooo not an advertisement, but it sounds like one. But try a small loan company first they give you small loans with small payments and after your first couple of payments you can turn around and borrow what you paid in back like if your tires blow out or your kid needs school clothes. Credit Cards Kill people......|||try out or they will usuall give credit cards to poeple just starting to build their credit and of course it doesnt hurt to lie on your income and stuff if youu know you will pay it. You must have a checking account to even sign up for a card.|||secured credit card.. try Bank Of America|||It sucks but it is reality

If you go to one of those box stores and buy something on credit and make your payments on time you will get a credit rating and then can get a card

If you are in a rush to get one their are finance companies etc. that will give you a credit card but they have higher interest rates.|||Well you can do a few different things, you can either get a car and have a car payment and make sure you make your payments on time, or you can get a unsecured credit card and pay that off a little at a time and let it build for a few years and as long as u make ur payments on time then you should be able to establish credit that way also.|||get a macy's credicard, this is how I got stared!!!|||You can find a complete list of credit cards for people with little or no credit history here:鈥?/a>

Although these offers tend to have higher interest rates (and additional fees) when compared to 'standard' credit cards, they'll give you the opportunity to prove your credit worthiness and build your credit score over time. Eventually, with regular on-time payments-- you'll be able to qualify for better offers with lower APRs and less fees. But for now, these are your options...

Hope this helps. GOOD LUCK!|||get a secured credit card.

But I do not suggest this, there are better ways to build credit.|||Don't do it!!! If you are renting an apartment or a house, make your rent payments on time, EVERY TIME. Pay all utility bills on time, EVERY TIME. After doing this for a year or two, you will have a good credit score without credit cards. Keep good records and ask your landlord to do the same since you will be requesting a credit reference from them later. Credit cards don't help your credit rating, this is a myth perpetuated by credit card companies!|||I know what you mean!!! it was frustrating to get credit. I went to credit union and requested a student credit card....i got aproved for 500 dollars. Then i got a should try it with a credit union!|||Well you can try the way I started. I got a store credit card. I was actually surprised they gave it to me, but I guess I shouldn't have. I had a good job, but no credit history what so ever. My friend was at a Wards when I walked in and wanted me to apply for the card, and I would get a free bottle of coke, I figured I wouldn't get it, but more then anything I did it to please him, and they gave it to me. So I used it for about 6 months and always paid of the complete bill each month that then after that I applied for a MasterCard and got that.

P.S. Credit cards are not evil, using them for actual credit is the problem. I have used credit cards all my life, but I always pay them off every month. The statements are great for seeing where your money goes. Basically never use them buy something you can't already afford. I also use Quicken and can download these transactions and it does the reports and such for keeping track of this.|||Discover Card benefits that you will enjoy:

* Great low rates

* No annual fee

* Up to a 2% Cashback Bonus award

* Online Account access and much more!|||get a loans... house...apartment, not credit cards! They are evil and will destroy you!|||make sure you spend on it and keep it active. Don't go above 50%. Pay your bills on time and the amount asked that is due. This will cost you in interest, but it will establish your credit a little bit.|||Recent college grad, new to the employment market? Oftentimes the best deals come when credit card companies target high school and college grads.

If you can swing it, get a card with low credit limit and pay it off all the time. After you have a history of this, they'll increse your limit and off you go, you've got credit.

But, make sure you don't default or are late with a payment. Hard to erase those marks.

It would also seem to me, that even though it's not a credit card, getting a car loan and making payments religiously would be another way to prove to credit companies that you're a good risk. (someone who'll return their money)|||Go to a local bank and get a secured credit card.

That's the only way for you to rebuild your credit.

Good Luck.|||1) Some cards are easier to get than others. Shop around, ask people, and above all, don't apply online! Every application in your name reduces your credit by a small amount, so your best bet is to inquire at banks and ask what their criteria are.

2) Your first credit card is easiest to get if you're a student. Banks love students, because they're generally able to fall back on parents and/or move on to a good job to pay off their debt.

3) A solid employment history, and ideally not having changed addresses too often, will help with your credit application. Credit card companies like it when they know that a) you've got money coming in regularly, and b) they'll be able to find you if you rip them off.

4) If you can't get the above, get someone to cosign or guarantee your card. It's not an ideal solution as it affects both your credit and the cosigner's, but it's a way to get started and at the very least, you'll have the one card to book hotels/car rentals/concert tickets/whatever.

5) You can also ask about guaranteed credit cards. Generally these have a low limit (say, $500) which is backed by $500 cash which is frozen in your bank account. If you don't pay on time, they cancel your card and keep the cash. It's a pain because you might as well just hang on to the money yourself, but again, it allows you to get that crucial first card.|||Get a secured card from a reputable company. You have to pay for it in advance, but after about a year, it can turn into an unsecured card and your credit will thank you.|||Go to your local bank/lending institution and ask that question of a loan officer. Most banks have a 'guaranteed credit card' secured by your own money in a deposit account. Huh? That's right, you deposit, say $500 in a savings account, this account earns interest and is in your name. Good for your credit score. Then the bank places a HOLD on that savings account to make sure the money is there if you don't pay your credit card bill, issues you a Credit Card with a credit limit of $500. Use the card, pay the bill on time and you will automatically build good credit. Not overnight but within 6 months, if you pay the bill on time and for the correct payment amount and don't go over your credit limit, you will create a good credit record for yourself.|||Get a secured credit card: A secured credit card is obtained after making a deposit to the card company. You get the card with lower limit than the money you have deposited. An unsecured credit card does not need you to give any deposit. But the catch is that the bank may charge either higher interest or fees if you have bad credit. Hence find out the terms and condition before taking these types of cards.

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